5 Reasons Why Every Child Needs Swim Lessons

1) Learning to swim is a life skill – one that just may save your child’s life.

Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1-14 (Source: CDC). Research shows that participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by 88 percent among children aged one to four years. (Source: Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 2009). Teaching children to swim is a vital skill for drowning prevention.

2) It Boosts Development of the Whole Child

What parent wouldn’t want their child to have accelerated development physically, intellectually, and emotionally? Scientific studies have shown children who swam consistently from infancy were significantly stronger and more coordinated than those who did not. They scored higher for intelligence and problem solving. Emotionally, they were found to have more self-discipline, greater self-control and an increased desire to succeed. They also rated higher in self-esteem and were more independent and comfortable in social situations than the control groups. (Source: Scientific Benefits of Baby Swim Lessons 2012).

3) It keeps your children active and healthy.

With childhood obesity on the rise, swimming is not only fun, but it levels the playing field for kids. They can be any shape or size and still enjoy the benefits of buoyancy in the water. They do not have to compete or standout, they can do it on their own terms, with their own goals, and in their own time. Swimming can open a door to an active lifestyle one stroke at a time.

4) Sets them up for unlimited water adventures throughout life.

Once the love of water foundation has been set and children know how to swim, it opens the door for many other learning adventures water can provide—such as swim team, triathlons, snorkeling/scuba diving, surfing, water skiing, white water rafting, and simply having a good time with friends in the water.

5) Creates a strong parent-child bond.

There is nothing like the sensation of water on the skin to enhance connection and building trust with your child. When you start them as infants in formal lessons, this bond is even stronger as parents are taught how incorporate fun and games, as well as life saving skills, into the family swimming experience.

Written by:

Shannon Hamrick, Owner, FLOW Aquatics Swim School.